The FoodBarcelona blog is 10 years old in 2020. This isn’t the party I’d planned.
FoodBarcelona Turns 10: A Decade of Photographing my Lunch
FoodBarcelona started in 2010! It’s our bloggy birthday! A decade of dining!
A lot has changed in the last 10 years but one thing remains the same: I’m still terrible at updating this site regularly.
For 2020, however, I had resolved to be less sporadic. There were plans to revisit old favourites, re-review restaurants from the early years, maybe even make some top-10 lists (lists!) like the cool kids do. For 2020, things would be different.
Well, things will be different. But not as I’d hoped. Something even more devastating to my dining schedule than having children has come along. Something even more dispiriting than the slow, farty death-rattle of the guidebook industry. Something that might change the face of the entire food industry: Covid-19.
At the time of writing, all restaurants in Spain are closed. No-one knows when they’ll re-open or which ones will survive the experience. Compared to this, my cancelled blog-birthday gluttony plans are utterly meaningless.
Nevertheless, I’ve just received a gift. Under the present circumstances, it’s especially welcome. Fellow writers about Barcelona have included FoodBarcelona in their list of best Barcelona blogs and websites for 2020 for the city-guide site Spotted By Locals.

Many thanks. I urge you, dear reader, to visit Spotted By Locals and read the other estimable blogs and websites included in the list. They are all worth your time, and all updated much more regularly than this one.
I hope that there will be more great food experiences to write about again soon. I would like to extend a special, socially distanced salute of support to everyone I know in the restaurant industry. This blog was not started to criticise restaurants but to share my enthusiasm for those that make me happy. I very much hope to see you all again soon. And if all this means the end of my great hate of the last 10 years, communal tables, then the dark cloud of the coronavirus will perhaps not have been without a tiny silver lining 😉
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